Football Player/Cheerleader Forms

Parents, please make sure you fill out the required forms for your player or cheerleader as instructed below:


First Day of Practice (Required Items):

1. Filled out Application MUST accompany you on the first day of practice.

2. Bring a CURRENT photo of your player neck up, unobstructed. Do not attach the photo, there is a specific way, which GCYFL would like it attached. The team parent will attach the photo.

3. Filled out Physical MUST accompany you on the first day of practice.


First Day of Practice (Required Items):

1. Filled out Application MUST accompany you on the first day of practice.

2. Bring a CURRENT photo of your cheerleader neck up, unobstructed. Do not attach the photo, there is a specific way, which GCYFL would like it attached. The team parent will attach the photo.

3. Filled out Physical MUST accompany you on the first day of practice.


GCYFL Football/Cheer Registration FormGCYFL_Registration_Form__1_.pdf (
GCYFL Football/Cheer Physical FormGCYFL_Physical_-_Blank__2024.pdf (
NP Steelers Clinic Waiver
NP Steelers Cheer/Stunt Waiver
NP Steelers Photo Release Form