Welcome to the NP Steelers Youth Football and Cheer Organization 2024 season. Registration Closed On June 3, 2024. See You Next Season!
Please read the following instructions, before clicking the “REGISTER NOW” button below.
- Click the “REGISTER NOW” button below
- Create a Team Snap account
- Click the Begin Registration button
- Choose the level for football or cheer, you would like to register for
- Payment can be in full or in payments. Please not that each payment incurs a processing fee
- You will receive a confirmation email that you have registered. As the season approaches you will receive more information from your coach.
- Use the following discount codes at checkout if they pertain to you:
- Board Member (BOARD), Head Coach (HEADCOACH), Asst Coach(ASSTCOACH), Football Player Siblings-1st Player Paid Full Price, 2nd 25% Discount(FBSIBLINGS), Football/Cheer Siblings-FTBL Player Paid in Full, Cheer 25% Discount(CHEERSIBLING), Cheer Siblings-1st Paid in Full, 2nd 25% Discount(CHEERSIBLING)
On behalf of the NP Steelers Board of Directors, thank you for registering. We look forward to seeing you this season.